Water Softeners

What Is Hard Water?

Are you tired of dealing with hard water and its associated problems? Avery’s Plumbing is here to offer you the solution! We offer top-of-the-line water softener installation to improve water quality and provide numerous benefits for your home and overall well-being.

Many homeowners deal with the unwanted signs of hard water. They might encounter a filmlike coating and mineral deposits on dishes and clothes and experience plumbing issues.

Most of the time, persistent dryness in the skin and hair happens because of hard water that contains high quantities of magnesium and calcium. Still, with an adequate treatment plan to remove them, this problem can be prevented or remedied.

Water softeners remove the minerals, leaving you with clean and soft water. Hard water can also cause clogged pipes and damaged appliances and make your clothes appear dull and dingy. But with the right technology, you’ll say goodbye to them.

In addition, such a device can save you money on soap, detergents, and cleaning supplies and can help to prevent clogging in the pipes and reduce the need for expensive repairs. Don’t wait any longer; invest in a water softener and experience the difference.

How a Water Softener Works

The most common method of water softening is through ion exchange. This process involves passing the water through a bed of resin beads coated with sodium ions. As the water goes through the resin bed, the ions are attracted to the sodium ions on the beads.

The process forces the calcium and magnesium ions to exchange places with the sodium ions, effectively removing the minerals that cause the problem. Once the resin beads are saturated with calcium and magnesium ions, the water softener goes into regeneration mode.

During this process, a salt and water solution runs through the resin bed, which pushes the calcium and magnesium ions off the beads and back into the wastewater. The resin beads are then recharged with sodium ions, and the device is ready to start the process again.

Another method of water softening is to use a salt-free water softener. These systems use template-assisted crystallization (TAC), which changes the structure of the calcium and magnesium molecules so that they no longer form scale.

Both methods can effectively remove the minerals that cause hard water, making the water softer and preventing the issues associated with hard water.

Water Softener Installation

Our team of experts will work with you to find the perfect water softener for your needs and install it for you. This unit improves water quality and provides numerous benefits for your home and overall well-being.

However, the first step to getting there is a reliable installation. Considering the amount of water you use daily, we’ll take care of the installation process, ensuring that your water softener is installed correctly and safely.

Avery’s Plumbing is your go-to solution for installing both, ion exchange technology systems and water-free softeners that prevent scale buildup without using chemicals. Our experienced professionals are more than ready to provide a high-quality installation that will improve the efficiency of your water-using appliances.

Water Softeners Maintenance

Regular maintenance and repairs are also important for the longevity of your unit. Our skilled technicians can:

They will also know when to replace your water softener with an improved and more efficient system. Don’t wait any longer; contact Avery’s Plumbing today to schedule your consultation and experience the difference that soft water can make in your life.

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